Remembering passed loved ones during the holidays...
Celebrating holidays after you've lost loved ones can be difficult. It's hard not to focus only on the loss. Here are some ideas to help keep the holidays positive:
1. Select and display a special Christmas tree ornament to help honor your loved one.
I painted wooden letters - a 'B' and a 'C' - to hang on the Christmas tree in honor of Chris and Brayden. And an angel friend of my Aunt Shari's made these Christmas tree ornaments with Chris and Brayden's photos on them!
2. Play their favorite Christmas song or movie.
We watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - Chris's favorite.
3. Place a wreath or ornaments on your loved one's grave(s).
We might do this on Christmas Eve as a family.
4. Make their favorite holiday dish or desert to share with your family.
5. Donate a gift in their honor.
This year I donated some money to the AA group Brayden attended in support of the program and its members. These donations can help keep the buildings open, the lights on and coffee in the pot!
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