Hope contd...

"True hope is always based in reality. The chief difference is denial or self-delusion. Hope transcends reality, denial avoids it.

Hope can and does change as one’s reality changes. Dis-confirmation of one’s hope usually leads to a reformulation of hope rather than its destruction.

Finding areas of control in a threatening situation enhances hope even if the area of control is limited to the attitude one adapts toward inevitable outcomes.

Everyone’s hope is unique. Individuals may express hope in identical words but each understanding is personal. Because hope is based on meaning, people must discover hope in the context of their own life.

Hope appears to follow a progressive path. Hope for more proximate and attainable future goals and to transcend hope based on meaning."

     David B. Callan MSW (1989) Hope as a Clinical Issue in Oncology Social Work, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 7:3, 31-46, DOI: 10.1300/J077v07n03_03


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